Get in touch

+61 421 438 253


Contact Us

health & fitness retreats

We appreciate your enquiry and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Secure Your Booking:

A 20% deposit is required to secure your Health Retreat booking, deposits can be made via credit card (fees apply) or direct deposit into our bank account.

Early Bird Discounts:

Enquire about our early bird discount options and conditions.


Outstanding balance of program is required two weeks prior to commencement date. Instalment options available.

Cancellations And Refunds, Including Covid Related Cancellations:

As we endeavour to keep our Health Retreats as personalised as possible, we have limited places available. If our program is fully booked and we are able to arrange for someone else to join us, we will refund your payment in full, less any bank charges that may be incurred. Should we be unable to do so, your payment shall be forfeited, this includes cancellations made due to covid related issues. As our business runs on a very small profit margin, we cannot sustain the financial impact of not running at full capacity. Local travel insurance is available to cover you for covid related cancellations from the following provider as part of their Domestic Comprehensive policy, at a very reasonable rate and with a very low excess:

What To Bring:

  • Comfortable casual clothing
  • Active wear ie: gym tights, shorts
  • Rain jacket
  • Bathers for/pool/sauna/spa
  • Good walking shoes
  • Slippers and/or thongs
  • Personal toiletries/sunscreen
  • Hairdryer – unfortunately the property does not provide hairdryers, we do ensure we have at least one available though
  • Personal items for spare-time activities (e.g., reading materials, movies)
  • Medical records and medication if applicable

What Not To Bring:

  • Food/snacks unless prior arrangements have been made
  • Tobacco or alcohol, these are prohibited from the property and against our Health Retreat policies

WiFi Internet

Free WiFi is available at the property. A land line is also available should mobile reception be unavailable from your provider.

Privacy Policy:

We value your privacy, view our privacy policy here:

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