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Health Retreat Programs with image of a napkin with the words `` take care of yourself '' written on it next to a pen and a glass of green juice .

Our Detox Program

We are currently running our specialised juice fast/detox program, our schedule is available to download here: Rejuvenate Retreats Schedule 2024

Why Detox?

Toxins effect the body’s natural ability to burn fat, leading to weight gain which in turn can lead to diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure, all directly linked to weight gain issues. Detoxing rids the body of toxins stored in fat cells and increases metabolism.

Are you thinking about trying to detox but unsure of what exactly the benefits may be? When done correctly, in a healthy, safe and controlled environment, getting your body clean and healthy can result in a wide range of positive effects.

  1. Removes toxins from the body: Long-term exposure to toxins (environmental pollutants, cancer-causing chemicals, preservatives, pesticides & heavy metals) affects our metabolism, behaviour and immune system and can lead to disease. These toxins are stored in tissues and cells throughout the body including the brain.
More on Detoxing

Juice Fast/Detox

The romance of unhealthy foods is powerful, as evidenced by the staggering 63.4 percent of Australian adults who are overweight or obese, well over half of our nation’s population. That’s almost two in three adults.

Research going back decades has shown us that we can not only be healthier, but may even be able to reverse severe chronic disease by changing to a more plant based diet. In addition to breaking the cycle of cravings for foods that undermine your health, just 3 – 4 days of a juice cleanse can do so much more!

Here are more than a dozen significant health enhancements you can obtain with a 4 day juice cleanse: Note: First rule, keep it organic where possible, otherwise you are ingesting many of the same pesticide, herbicide and antibiotic residues the body is trying to clear out.

  1. Rest the stomach: For the millions of people who are on acid-suppressing drugs — and for older folks who often don’t produce enough stomach acid — making the stomach work less to extract nutrients can be a huge benefit. Juices require less of the stomach’s digestive processing (churning, acid and pepsin).
  2. Rest and repair the gut: Toxic foods (including saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, foods with additives, pesticides and allergenic foods), taking medications (such as antibiotics or antacids), and even stress can impair the intestine’s functioning. There can easily be an imbalance in the gut flora and fauna balance as well as actual breaks in the intestinal barrier, also known as “leaky gut”, allowing substances into our bodies that should not get a free pass. Consuming a plant-based juice diet allows food to be assimilated quickly through the intestine, consuming less energy, while the toxin free, nutrient dense food helps to repair the gut itself.

Why a Juice Fast

Intermittent Fasting

Once we reintroduce food into the diet during our Detox Retreats. we also introduce intermittent fasting. This is not only for the ongoing health benefits but to assist with establishing a healthy relationship with food. Whether you want to lose weight, or focus on your overall health goals, then intermittent fasting has a lot going for it.

What is Intermittent Fasting and Why Would You Do It?

Intermittent fasting is not a diet, it’s a pattern of eating. It’s a way of scheduling your meals so that you get the most out of them. Intermittent fasting doesn’t change what you eat, it changes when you eat.

Why is it worthwhile to change when you’re eating?

Well, most notably, it’s a great way to get lean without going on a crazy diet or cutting your calories down to nothing, in fact, most of the time you’ll try to keep your calories the same when you start intermittent fasting. (Most people eat bigger meals during a shorter time frame.) Additionally, intermittent fasting is a good way to keep muscle mass while leaning down. With all that said, the main reason people try intermittent fasting is to lose fat.

More on Intermittent Fasting

Breaking the fast – benefits of breaking a cleanse with raw foods

Care needs to be taken when breaking a fast so as not to overburden your digestive system. The best benefit of fasting is realised when a fast is broken properly. Taking it slowly is not only kind to your body, but allows you the opportunity to integrate your new-found clarity on your relationship to food. During a fast, the body undergoes several biological changes. Enzymes normally produced by the digestive system have ceased to be produced or have been diminished somewhat, depending on the type of fast performed, so introducing food slowly allows the body time to re-establish this enzyme production. The protective mucus lining of the stomach may be temporarily diminished as well, making the stomach walls more vulnerable to irritation until it also returns to normal.

Gentle reintroduction of foods, beginning with those simplest and easiest to digest, supports this process. Substances known to be irritating to the system, such as coffee and spicy foods, must be avoided during the breaking process. Due to biological changes, overeating immediately following a fast is much worse than overeating at any other time. Your system needs time to readjust back to normal digestion and assimilation. Not taking the proper measures can result in stomach cramping, nausea, and even vomiting.

More on Cleanse with raw foods
paleo plate

What if fasting is not for me?

Moving away from processed food is a good way to start to clean up your diet and restore your health. One of the more serious effects of a diet heavy in processed foods is inflammation, all processed foods can cause inflammation. They can alter the bacteria that live in our gut, and that alteration has the ability to interact with our immune system and eventually trigger it in a way that leads to chronic inflammation and health related issues.

Inflammation is a process that helps the body fight things that could cause harm, like infections and injuries. It’s a healing process that is completely normal and healthy. However, too much inflammation over time keeps the body in a constant state of alert and can begin to negatively impact organs and tissues. Chronic inflammation is even linked to serious health problems like cancer, heart disease, asthma and others.

Making lifestyle changes is one way to help fight chronic inflammation, especially by eating an anti-inflammatory diet. Fasting is a rapid way to reduce inflammation, but is not always easy to do on your own and can impact your energy levels temporarily. There are other diets people adapt to optimise their health which can also assist with minimising inflammation, such as the Paleo Diet which also has a specific anti inflammation focused protocol for those with more autoimmune based concerns.

Paleo – cutting through the stigma

Everyone gets into Paleo for different reasons and experiences different results and changes in their bodies, mood and energy levels. In spite of that, everyone agrees that eating Paleo/Primal way makes you feel awesome. Following is a list of reported and known benefits (taken from multiple success stories, studies, books and articles).

You eat unprocessed, real food

Paleo and primal diets consist of real, whole foods – the exception is should you choose to buy some of the wonderful natural although bottled or packaged sauces, condiments or any of the other paleo based products available these days at many health food shops. Consequently, you automatically eliminate a whole range of preservatives, hidden sugars, sodium, additives, colorings, artificial flavorings and other additives we are still to discover! As a result, you have the combined benefit of eliminating unnecessary toxins whilst consuming more nutrients. The added bonus is once you start using real food you will find the food tastes so much better.

Paleo diet is rich in nutrients 

One of the misconception about the Paleo diet is that it’s all about protein and fat. What many don’t realise is that by eliminating nutrient void processed carbs, also referred to as fillers, we supplement with loads of vegetables, healthy fats, nuts, seeds, berries and fruit, all of which are full of minerals and vitamins. Combine that with the improved gut health and increased nutrient absorption which happens through avoidance of irritating grains and legumes, and you get a very balanced diet. You’d be surprised that we can get pretty much all required nutrients from animal, seafood and plant based foods.

More on paleo

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